
Independence Day Drawing for Kids: Questions that Could Arise in Your Mind

We celebrated independence day as the independence of India. On August 15, 1947, India got freedom from the British Raj. If we talk about art drawing, we know that a sketch is incomplete without colours. From colours, we can express different types of emotions and feel like the saffron colour is the symbol of courage and sacrifice, white colour is a symbol of honesty, purity, and peace, green colour is the symbol of growth, prosperity, and nature.

Drawing for kids on independence day is necessary because it shows that kids who enhance kids’ creativity increase nationality in children’s minds. It also improves the problem-solving skills of children and makes them engage in some motor activities.

Kids are too excited to learn new things and curious to know something. So when a kid finishes their drawing, they will get the feeling of independence. Kids always want to do something new, and what’s better than this, they can make a beautiful drawing of the flag, birds, peacocks, and many other things.

Drawing of independence day for kids

By drawing on independence day, the kid gets to know the importance of freedom in the nation. Kids get to see the sacrifice of a soldier that they do for our country. Kids can draw soldiers with flags, birds, and happy faces. Drawing is the non-verbal form of communication; by drawing, we can also convey that message we can’t put into words.

By drawing, we can show the feeling of freedom, and this can also motivate our soldiers. Kids can create many pieces of drawing to offer their thoughts and feelings on this important occasion. By drawing, kids will get the sense of expressing their feelings and learn many new things.

We can give kids different ideas of drawing to show their art and creativity. For example, independence day is celebrated all over India with flag-raising ceremonies, national anthem, national song, and many art forms like dance, music, drawing, speech, etc. The army and police members show the parade after the flag hoisting ceremony and national anthem. In India, independence day is celebrated on August 15, which states the end of British rule and forms an independent and free nation.

Most people think that we got freedom from the United Kingdom on this day, but only a few people know that on this day, August 15, 1947, India and Pakistan got separated. Mahatma Gandhi played a very important role in making India, independent. In 1942, during the second world war, the Indian congress, including, started the quit India movement demanding the British to leave India. This movement resulted in arresting thousands of people of the Indian congress, including Mahatma Gandhi.

After signing the independence bill, the decision was taken that India would be divided into two parts, one with a Muslim country (Pakistan) and the other with a Hindu country (India). In this partition, 14 million people got displaced, and almost 2 million people died. After this partition, the relationship between the two countries was not very good, and as time passed, this relationship become more worst.

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Celebrating independence day in school

Celebrating the independence day in school among children promotes self-confidence and self-esteem and motivates kids to do something great for the nation. It gives kids the feeling that they are free in their life to make their decisions. It develops the sense of helping nature which tells them to help others. It teaches them that they can take responsibility.

The main thing which children learn is self-discipline. In addition, children should know about their responsibility towards the nation and the people of the country.

If we don’t teach our children all these things, their mindset will be fixed and unchangeable, which means that children will think their attitude and behaviour can’t be changed and colours-colour coloured. So, for example, if a child is drawing something and someone said that his drawing is too bad, he can think that he can’t do a good picture and the kid can’t improve his drawing also, he treats this as his weakness.

But if we teach them all these things, then their mindset will be changeable. That child sees the world from a different perspective and thinks that nothing could be possible if someone did great hard work and smart work.

No one wants their child to become dependent on anyone. Everyone wants to see their child independent, and for this, independence is something they need to learn. Independence is essential in every individual life, and no one wants to lose their independence. Everyone wants to live their life as they wish, and that’s necessary. Every parent and teacher should give their child the freedom to express themselves.

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Some Questions that your Kids Could Ask

Why is it important to celebrate independence day?

It is important to celebrate independence day because this was the day when India got independence from British rule, and India was said to be free from all the restrictions that Britishers made. This day gives the feeling of freedom and happiness. We can say thanks to the freedom fighters of our country. The celebration provides you self motivation and makes you remember about our freedom fighters.

Why is independence day important to children?

Every child should know the feeling of freedom and the sacrifice of those fighting for us by putting their life at risk. Every child should be responsible enough to take any responsibility in the future. They should help people who are in need and make our country strong enough for the enemies. This day promotes the feeling of nationality and patriotism among children. Independence day always reminds us that before independence we are a slave of someone who does not even belong to our nation.

What changes can we have on independence day and republic day?

Independence day is celebrated on August 15, 1947, as we got freedom from Britishers on this day, while republic day was celebrated on January 26, 1950. This is because, on August 15, 1947, the constitution of India came into force.

Another difference is that on August 15, Pakistan and India were separated into two countries. So the main difference between independence day and republic day is that on August 15, August 15, 1947, India got independence but didn’t get a republic until January 26, 1950.

What are the main topics that someone can choose for essay writing on the day of independence?

The most famous topics that someone can opt for essay writing competition are :

  • India before the British
  • Changes that British rule brought in India
  • India during and after the British rule
  • Great Indian freedom fighters
  • Role of women in India’s independence
  • The British rulers who did well for India
  • Independence day celebration
  • The sacrifice of some Indian fighter
  • Quit India movement
  • The condition of India before freedom and many more topics.

At the time of the declaration of independence, some acts are the right to life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, the right to express, the right to speech, and many more.


Shilpa is a professional web content writer and is in deep love with travelling. She completed her mass communication degree and is now dedicatedly playing with words to guide her readers to get the best for themselves. Developing educational content for UPSC, IELTS aspirants from breakthrough research work is her forte. Strongly driven by her zodiac sign Sagittarius, Shilpa loves to live her life on her own notes and completely agrees with the idea of ‘live and let live. Apart from writing and travelling, most of the time she can be seen in the avatar of 'hooman' mom to her pets and street dogs or else you can also catch her wearing the toque blanche and creating magic in the kitchen on weekends.

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