
How to Prepare Kids for AI? Help Kids Develop Life Skills with Job Security

According to a report by the Bank of England, almost 15 million jobs would get dissolved soon. It might sound scary. But if you understand on a broad level, the jobs are not going to go extinct. Instead, jobs would get mechanized. The new technology will create 130 million new opportunities. But all these opportunities would be AI (Artificial Intelligence) based. As a parent, it’s your responsibility to introduce ai in your kids learning process. Make sure that they don’t miss the inevitable opportunities.

In recent times, the education sector is going through a transition phase. The NEP 2020, introduced by the central government, is the first step towards this change. The move brings AI into the kids’ education. With the entire world shifting to digital life, it is critical to know how to prepare kids for AI?

What is AI for Kids?

Before teaching kids about ai, you should learn the concept of artificial intelligence for kids?. It might seem to be a complicated term, but it is easy to concede. Artificial intelligence is a way to give machines the power to make decisions. You have to provide input to machines, and they will give the output through artificial intelligence.

Similar to human beings, machines also work based on the codes they are given. For example, You know that lions are wild animals. This is how your brain interprets a lion. But why do brains interpret lions as wild animals? Mainly because you have always seen a lion in a jungle. Similarly, the brain of the machine that works on artificial intelligence recognizes the patterns encoded in its memory.

Earlier human beings give directions to the machine. Then the machine works according to the given directions. But with artificial intelligence, they are no longer dependent on humans. Machines can take their decision by the pieces of information or patterns stored in their mind.

The example given above explains artificial intelligence at the most basic level. While including it in your kids development, you have to understand it on a broader level. You can also take help from the infinite resources available on the internet on AI for kids.

Also Read: What are Coding Classes for kids? Importance of Computer Coding Lessons for Children

How can AI help Kids?

As a parent, it is a wise decision to keep your kids updated with the technology of the future. Machines and AI for kids in the kids development process will secure their future. Even if your kid is not interested in machines, robots, computers, or artificial intelligence for kids,  artificial intelligence for kids will teach them various life skills. These skills will help them in other spheres they are interested in.

To survive in this ever-changing world, learning ai for kids has become a necessity. There are various reasons why AI should be a part of kids learning from an early age. Some of them are:

  • Learning artificial intelligence helps kids develop thinking ability and encourages creativity.
  • Introducing the concept of artificial intelligence in kids development will teach them new strategies to overcome a problem.
  • AI for kids helps to boost emotional intelligence.
  • Artificial intelligence for kids increases their mental ability and skills.
  • As mentioned earlier, the jobs in the future would be AI based. So to secure stable employment opportunities, kids will need the knowledge of artificial intelligence.
  • In most households, kids study because of the parental pressure on them. Only a few kids study or learn something of their own choice. But by learning ai, they will become curious. The curiosity will push them towards self-learning.
  • While learning to code, kids learn to look at the same problem in multiple ways. Then they code with the most accurate solution to the problem. So they learn to find the ideal solution to every life problem too.
  • Coding requires patience. So making a program of artificial intelligence during kids development will teach them to keep patience under stress.
  • Developing artificial intelligence requires teamwork. It helps kids become a team player. It also develops leadership qualities.
  • There is a lot to learn in coding. Also, it always gets updated with time. So your kid will be engaged and interested in learning continuously.’
  • While developing artificial intelligence, kids will make a lot of mistakes. Ultimately they will learn from those mistakes and become a better programmer. They carry the same skill sets in their life.

Before reading further, ask yourself a question, what type of world do you expect your kids will live in? Yes, they will live in a world of artificial intelligence. Even today, you can find yourself surrounded by devices using artificial intelligence. The technology is growing further with robots that can even hang out with you.

Also Read: How to Explain Coding to a Child? Coding As An Escape – An Important Universal Language to Learn

Benefits of AI for Kid

The utmost priority of every parent is to give a settled life to their kid. Looking at the scope of AI in India, you will realize how fast the Artificial intelligence industry is growing. According to PwC estimation, 38% of jobs in the USA would be replaced by automation and AI. Even in India Artificial intelligence is the buzzword in the tech sphere.

More broadly, AI includes various other skills that you can include in the kids learning process. Machine learning, natural language processing, and deep learning are all part of it. Its application is huge and so are the jobs. Not only in private agencies, demand for AI is also blooming in governmental departments. The government is welcoming more and more AI-based assistants in healthcare, education, and agriculture.

Future job opportunities for kids:

Through embedding ai for kids in kids education, the following opportunities will be open to them:

AI Engineers

They are the problem solvers. They navigate between Machine learning implementations and traditional software development. They deploy, test, and build AI models.

Artificial Intelligence Programmers

Their main function is to develop software for the working of AI-based applications or robots. They also built systems based on AI.

Business intelligence developer

Business industries use AI to read and analyze data for future market trends. They offer a good amount to people having research skills with knowledge of artificial intelligence.

The government started the digital India scheme in 2015 which focuses on digitizing every sphere of life. So to survive in the digital world, kids learning should include artificial intelligence. You may wonder how to prepare kids for AI, the next section tells all.

How to Prepare Kids for AI?

If you want AI to be a part of your kids education, embed it from the very beginning. Nowadays, kids get access to an electronic device at a very early stage of their life. So, you only need to push them towards the productive side of the digital world. Some tricks to do it are mentioned below:

Learn more

Acquire as much knowledge as you can. Even if you don’t have expertise in artificial intelligence for kids, learn the basics. Learn to connect daily life with artificial intelligence. Then teach your kids to do so. In this way, you can develop their interest in artificial intelligence.

Acquire more with your kid

Suppose you bring a new gadget home. Don’t simply hand it over to your kids. First of all, read and learn the working and functioning of the gadget. Then sit with your kids. Don’t tell them that you already know everything. Learn together, guide them wherever needed.

In the process, the kids will ask questions that you both can solve together. The exchange of problems and solutions will create a genuine interest among them. This interest in gadgets might grow into a love for robotics.

Also Read: 5 Best Websites for Your Kids on the Internet: How to Get the Best out of Technology?


Look towards the world of 2020, you will realize that people survived it because of machines. They are the future. So, as a parent, it’s your responsibility to impart the essence of AI in your kids education. Start it now and save a better future for them.

Janvi Khetan

For over two years, Janvi Khetan has been working in the field of blog-content writing. She had worked as a digital content writer for an established company for six months and a Business Development Manager in a reputed firm for a short time. As a blog content writer, her goals include creating content to help individuals to grow as a whole. Her field of expertise is writing on sustainable parenting. In addition to this, Janvi Khetan has earned recognition for her extraordinary commitment to the truth. She has been bringing the truth on various issues in front of the audience with facts, statistics, and candid writings.

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