
How to Make Fractions Easy for Kids? Master the Creative Activities for Your Kids

Many adults have grown up with maths anxiety. For most of the population out there math is a very tough subject that they avoid. But they also have the realization of how maths is important for many phases of their life. With such realization when these parents become parents, they don’t want their kids to face the same anxiety as they did. They want to make fun of them as learning from fun activities increases the retaining power and also increases the likeliness for liking the maths subject. A concept like fraction becomes hard with the increase in standards, but if the base of fraction concept is made stronger it is likely that the child will not face any difficulty in the future. In this article, you will get to know about how to make fractions easy for kids? With the activities below, you can make math an easy subject.

What is a Fraction for Kids?

Let’s start with the introduction of the fraction itself. When you are explaining the fraction concept to a kid make sure that you use examples and props like fruits, paper cut-outs. This way you are practically telling the kid how the fraction works. If you cut a cake into half then you will get two parts of it. This is called fraction, fraction is nothing but pieces of a whole. Fractions show how many parts of a whole you have. Infractions you have the numerator and denominator, numerator shows the fractions of the whole part for example 1 piece of a whole cake which is cut in half ½ 1 is the numerator and the denominator is the whole, 2 is the denominator. Then there comes a unit fraction and a non- fraction. To a kid you can explain it easily by, a unit fraction is when the numerator is 1 (a Unit), examples 1/4, 1/6, 1/34, etc. Non-unit fraction contains any number as a numerator 4/10, 3/23, 4/54, etc.

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make fraction easy for kidsmake fraction easy for kids

Fun Fraction Activities

As a parent, you might find it difficult to teach fractions to your kids. But you don’t have to worry now as you can take some ideas from the activities given below. Design them in your own way and play them with your kid. Explain the activity to your kids if required repeat it multiple times.

1. Use of Visualisation

Just like most children are kinesthetic students, many are visual students too. This suggests that many children learn better by looking at ideas until they can comprehend the idea.

A perfect way to educate your child about the idea of groups is to encourage him or her to build from fractions. Draw, cut, and fold various symmetrical forms into half or quarters with building paper. Free printable sheets are also a perfect way to view fractions, as kids can practice colouring on paper in sections of the shapes.

2. Let’s get Some food to Learn Fractions

Who does not like cookies? The way to get children involved in maths is no better than with the things they most enjoy! Better still, working with food gives children a tangible purpose to exploit themselves and consolidate their learning.

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Make sure the cookies are big enough to be split into smaller pieces. By making plenty of cookies available. Enter a cookie and strengthen your child’s idea that it is just a single, complete cookie. Help your child cut the cookie in half with a plastic knife next. Explain the size of the two bits, and each one constitutes half of the cookie until it is completed. Find your child free to take care of the bits

3. Play with the Box

Split strips, known also as towers or bars, are printed on paper and card boxes that are all made up of pieces that are of the same totality. These strips can be cut and handled in such a way as to illustrate how different pieces can be combined to form a whole. Online printable strips or towers can be quickly identified, so you can only print them on colourful paper.

Once the strips are ready to use at home or in school, there are many ways! For example, each student may be given a random strip in a classroom and have to find other students with pieces to create a whole strip. Children should order the Individually.

Also Read: Maths for Kindergarten: Tricks to Make Math Fun for Your Kid 

4. Bring Art Out of the Box

A Pictionary is perfect for playing with many kids, or your own. Take a colourful crack and go to the entrance to play. Tell your child to play Drawing pictures just part of his image. Stay one-half a sun, or half a dog, for example! The players won’t only guess the picture, but also the fraction of it! Encourage your child to draw objects with imagination. A creative way to draw a fraction is to draw a rose, which contains 3 flowers and 2 buds, suggesting 3/5 blooming flowers.


5. Fractions in a Cup

Place your child and their friends in pairs to play this game. Give each pair a cup of plastic with two-side counters (depending on the skills of your students, how many counters you choose). Students carefully shake the cup and spill out the contents, so that the items don’t fly all over. The students then write two groups to explain what they see. If there are 7 counters total and 4 on the yellow side, for example, that part is 4/7. For example, In other words, there will also be three seven red counters for a total of seven, which are all counters.

Also Read: Introduction to Fraction: How to Explain Fractions to a Child?


When the learning is made fun any child can learn the hardest of the subject easily. And for parents who have been maths anxious in their times, will have a relief breath after seeing their kid being involved in maths happily. In this article, fractions are explained in an easy form with the activities to practically illustrate them. Hopefully, this will help you in some way or the other. Do let us know your feedback by commenting in the below box.

Kirti kumar

Kirti is a passionate content writer. With psychology and an MBA degree, she presents a complete persona of an empowered lady. She is an explorer who takes up a new journey, every time she takes a new turn. She has agility in her attitude with versatility in her action. She is a creative person who loves to unfurl the beauty of life through writing. She has a deep interest in dance and art & craft. She has developed a positive persona through her exciting and vast life voyage. Kirti is a person who is closely fused to her people and a hearty person open to building on new memories to cherish.

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