
How to Develop a Child’s Personality: A Brief Overview

Parenting is a journey that you take on for the rest of your life as soon as the child is born. It’s not only a difficult role but also one that requires a lot of effort. Daily, you must comprehend and cope with a variety of things that you have never heard or experienced before. All of this necessitates a great deal of patience and composure.  A well-developed personality is a key tool for success. Though building a child’s personality is a gradual and steady process, with enough patience, parents can get it done. Here are some tips for personality development for children.

Personality development for kidsPersonality development for kids

Personality Development for Children

1. Let them do their duty.

At this stage, training to be responsible is crucial in the personality development of kids. From the moment a baby starts walking, the child’s dependence on the parents reduces. Maybe the child is too young to take certain responsibilities even though he/she loves to help you in the kitchen or on shopping chores. Instead of doing their duty, help them to become independent individuals and take decisions on their own.

It’s not as hard as you think. Set some tasks that you know he/she could do in your presence. Start with basic things like arranging books according to the timetable or let them make their own bed. They may fail, but it’s okay. Slowly they’ll learn to do all those things without your presence or assistance. As a result, only if you begin training at an early age, will you be able to turn your child into a completely self-sufficient individual in the future.

2. Hear them out

As kids, they crave attention all the time. Whenever parents are around they tend to express themselves through talk, especially toddlers and preschoolers which is crucial in the language development of a child. In this digital era, find some quality time to listen to your kid patiently. So your kid will get a feeling that he/she is being respected, which will give them a sense of importance and boost their confidence.

As an adult, you clearly know that talking to someone dear to you will give you a deep sense of satisfaction and relief. The same applies to children also. Listen to their happiness and worries and give them reasonable advice. Sometimes they don’t even need any advice, just a good listener. In this way, you could train your child to be a good listener and give confidence to others also.

3. Gentle Parenting

Gentle parenting is different from old school parenting style and is a completely positive approach. Children make mistakes, but as a parent instead of labelling and arguing, teach your kid what is good by using patience and positivity. Never impose your dreams and visions on your kid, remember that your child is unique. When children fail to meet the expectations of their parents, in most cases parents express their disappointments on kids.

You should always be approachable to your kid and as a parent, you should always be aware of their feelings and emotions. Instead of defining and seeing their world through your lens, step into their shoes and feel their worries and difficulties. Otherwise, you may misunderstand your child. Through gentle parenting, you could teach your child to respect, understand and also to be empathetic.

Also Read: Kids Personality Development Classes: Help Them Transform Their Personalities For a Better Future

4. Be a Good Critic of Yourself

No human being is born perfect. In parenting, you should never be selfish. When you give guidance and advice, think wisely and evaluate your decisions and concerns. Try to speak with your friends or experts and figure out your flaws (if you have any) and fix them. Yeah, nobody likes to find or hear about their negatives, but every decision you make brings a very great impact on your child. Unnecessary yelling and advice make your child even worse.

Sometimes when you shout at your child, he/she takes it to heart instead of understanding the real mistake. Therefore you have to handle every situation carefully. Many parents try to pretend that every decision they make in the case of their kid is correct, but it cannot be correct all the time. So evaluate yourself and also train your kid to follow it because they’ll learn to examine themselves and will also get the courage to fix their flaws.

5. Gender neutrality

Training to be gender-neutral plays a crucial role in the personality development of your child. Even in this 21st century, many parents mug off this topic as a silly matter. But from a very young age itself, children should be taught to respect every gender. Speak to them about gender equality and gender discrimination according to their age. Never raise any child based on the traditional gender perspective, otherwise, you’ll sow the seed of partiality in their mind which is a very terrible thing.

You should never cling to the old parenting style that a car is for boys, the doll is for girls or pink is girly and blue is for boys. Train them to play with all types of toys and they should also be allowed to spend time with both boys and girls. All these will make your child independent and also will learn to respect every human being equally irrespective of caste, gender, religion or nation

6. Comparison is an evil

This is a very big mistake that most parents make. Every human being is unique, therefore the calibre of every person is different. So there is no point in comparing your kid with friends, relatives or even their siblings. It creates a very negative impact on the personality of your child. Whenever they get compared to a person, never expect them to behave according to your expectation, it’ll make them believe that they are not that good enough and it will affect their self-esteem. They may also tend to hate the person to whom they are being compared. Constant comparison will reduce their confidence, and out of stress will start mimicking others. So give respect to their individuality and only then you’ll be able to foster confidence and bring the best out of them.

Also Read: Personality Development Syllabus for Kids: What to Follow to Help Your Child’s Personality Grow?

7. Allow them to play

Playtime has a major role in the personality development of children. Many parents don’t let their child play outside or with a bunch of children out of fear that they might get injured. But playtime is the best place where children learn the art of problem-solving, sharing, caring, team spirit etc. Sadly, many children in the present generation are caught up in the web of the internet and mobile.

Only if the child gets a chance to fall he/she learns what is good and what is bad. So train your child to come out of the comfort zone. They’ll learn to find more than one solution to a problem. Playing is an exercise for the body as well as the mind. It is also a stress bust for your child from their busy academic schedule and remains cheerful.

8. Foster Creativity

Every child is not blessed with inborn talents like singing or dancing. There are few talents that we have to develop. It’s completely fine that your child is not interested in anything. Give him/her time, let them find out their talent. As a parent, your primary role is to give support, guidance and trust in their ability because creativity is something that gives a person health and happiness. Give them unstructured playtime so that they could foster their talent without any worries regarding academics or any other unnecessary tensions.

Respect their ideas and also their space. Never give them any unnecessary pressure while they are practising their talents. Put a full stop to your unnecessary fears like they are not going to show interest in academics or not get into a college. Imagination improves cognitive and social development. It will make your child think out of the box.


Personality development for children does not happen overnight. It requires years of training, struggle, hard work and extra time. When things are planned for children at an early stage, learning will be easier for them. Personality isn’t just about how you dress or how well you appear. It’s also not about eating the correct foods or maintaining a healthy lifestyle. These are vital, but they should come in second or third place in terms of priority. Personal development education will improve your child’s perspective on information, interpersonal skills, life, social skills, and other topics.

Alka Gopi

Alka Gopi is an aspiring content writer who is in love with words and flicks. Being a final year MA English Literature student, words have always been a part of her. She spends most of her free time writing poems and watching movies. Alka is the co-author of two poetry anthologies. Feminist literature and holocaust are her favourite genres. Writing was a side hobby until joining for her masters, but then she started discovering that writing allows her to explore different topic areas - some even outside her comfort zone. Her strength is her family and her friends. Apart from writing, she loves painting too.

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