
How do Children Learn to Think? Developing Critical Thinking Among Children

From doing class assignments to unravelling real-world problems, critical thinking is a skill that is crucial for the development of every child. It teaches kids a range of skills that are needed and can be applied to any problem that demands reflection, analysing skills and planning. Thinking Critically not only improves communication skills but also activates creativity and makes kids contemplate their own actions.

Why is Thinking important?

We utilize basic critical thinking abilities each day. They offer assistance to create great choices, get the results of our activities and unravel issues. These fantastically critical abilities help us to unriddle everything from putting together puzzles to cracking school assignments, communication skills and many more.

It’s the method of utilizing centre and self-control to unravel issues and set and take after through on different tasks. Basic critical thinking makes a difference and we make great, sound decisions.

But how to improve critical thinking skills among kids? Continue reading to know about a quick guide to teaching your kids how to learn to think.

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Cognitive Development

Five is the age at which kids get developed the most. They especially develop their motor(physical), language, communication, cognitive, social and emotional skills nurture.

Cognitive development implies how children think, investigate, and figure things out. It is the advancement of information, abilities, issue tackling and riddance, which offer assistance to children to think almost and simply in their day-to-day life. Brain development is a fundamental part of cognitive development.

Being a parent, it becomes necessary to nurture the child’s cognitive development right from their early childhood. Doing this not only strengthens the basis and support for your kid’s success in school but also prepares them for life skills.

According to research, children who can differentiate between sounds at six months of age are likely good at embracing the skills for learning to read at a very early age.

To encourage your kid’s cognitive development, it becomes your responsibility to actively encounter quality-oriented friendly conversations with them and make them comfortable around you so that they can open up and share everything with you.

To do so, you can do certain things, for instance, you can sing and read books for your kids. You can talk with them and name daily used objects. You can give them books and puzzles and also toys to explore their interests. You can also amplify their interests by taking them to museums, workshops, or to different places where they can peruse the things they like.

Also, the next thing you must remember is that you must always be ready to answer your kids “why” questions. Since kids are the most curious ones, it becomes important for us to quench their curiosities.

You need to let your kids find different ways to solve problems. For this, you can start by giving them puzzles, riddles, and let them try to figure out how to solve them. These things will surely help them learn how to think and make decisions.

Children Must Learn How to Think

Critical thinking skills aren’t something kids can learn fair by hearing about them. They need to experience the situations to learn them. Cognitive abilities include learning and answering how and why a particular thing happens.

This is why it’s not conceivable to totally rely on educational knowledge which we are taught in schools, in which kids are seen as mere receivers of the information passed down by the teachers such things might give them bookish aspects but not the necessary critical skills which they need.

It is important to let your kids learn such skills through exposure to real-life tasks. Give them a chance to ask questions to you as asking questions and learning from them gives kids openness to elemental opportunities.

There are many ways in which questioning can be understood, and it, as a rule, means the procedure and approach through which kids learn and understand a process.

In easy language, you can say questioning is a preparation in which kids are required to use a vast run of cognitive abilities to define and illuminate problems.

An illustration of a test that requires only a limited run of cognitive abilities could get kids to apply a learned strategy to develop a chunk of artist or exploratory device and to be master in that. The cognitive abilities included might incorporate review with a few straightforward applications.

In case kids face difficulty in some cases, or they are unable to figure out how to solve a particular situation. There, skills like thinking, examining, defence, assessment, communication etc could act as a helping hand and help them to solve the situation smoothly.

The moment your kids excel to profound and broader utilization of cognitive skills, they can do anything and handle any task or situation without difficulty.

Also Read: Is Learning Dependent on Cognitive Development? Guide to Better Development

How do Children Learn to Think?

Tip 1: Be an Example of Persistent Learning and Reasoning

Being a parent isn’t easy. Because each action of your kid is dependent on you. Your kids consider you as their role models and try to do all the things you do. Thus it will be good if you let your kids know more about your culture, friendship, community etc to make them understand the importance of these deep things easily.

You can share with them the things which you have been through or the particular actions you did in a situation.

Tell them about these things and listen to what they have to say to you on the same topic. Give them a chance to present their thoughts rather than imposing yours.

Tip 2: Initiate Conversations, Don’t Shut Them Down

Your child needs the opportunities to express themselves, and they will not listen to your advice until they want. Our kids hope that we listen to them and their opinions. So you need to give them the opportunity and help them if they get stuck with any problem.

When given a chance you’ll notice how creative they can be. They’ll try to find out reasons for everything and collect as much knowledge about society, technology, social issues as they can. So you must start little conversations with your kids. And it could be anything like why do you love mango or how was your day?

Such questions would give them confidence and they’ll open up and put their thoughts in front of you. On the other side, these conversations are much more beneficial and help parents and children to build a deeper relationship and develop their bonding.

Tip 3: Require and Encourage distance in Social Media

It’s important to know what your kids are doing online. We are living in a time where cyberbullying, online crimes are so common. In that case, it becomes more essential to look at what your kid is uploading on social media and to check if they aren’t being bullied or threatened by someone online.

You need to tell them to be careful and upload pictures or anything with precautions on social media. They shouldn’t also post mean things for others too. They shouldn’t give their phone numbers to random people whom they meet online.

And lastly, to improve your kid’s thinking skill, you must ensure that your kid has a good friend circle who are very vocal about their thoughts and have individual personalities. You can also suggest to your kids some books, podcasts, courses, YouTube videos, music, movies and many more through which they can improve their critical thinking abilities.

Tip 4: Promote your Children’s Interests

You must encourage your kids to follow their interests, whether it’s about taking interest in astronomy and planets or flowers and trees. These things will help them to broaden their knowledge and improve their critical thinking. They’ll eventually start taking interest in different topics and would begin to try out different experiments with them to explore them.

Also Read: Personality Development Syllabus for Kids: What to Follow to Help Your Child’s Personality Grow?


A child’s intellect is new like an incipient air. Anything put in their intellect gets to be a matter of long-enduring information. The information which investigates advance to induce enriched. With the utilize of such kind of given content or convictions or we will say any shape of values and excellencies we make them able to distinguish between what is off-base and what is right.

Here comes the significance of the socialization of children amid childhood. This socialization can be by any social organization like family school etc.

In today’s Indian setting when circumstances around us changing due to changing conditions of the relationship, debasing values for each other, the misfortune of regard for each other, viciousness and wrongdoing like adolescent assaults are on the top, it is gotten to be vital step to give how to think the idea into children’s intellect.

It will support their overall personality with the fundamental human values of love, sensitivity, care, appreciation and profound quality. They would not only think almost self but about others as well.

Hope this article might have cleared all your queries. For more such articles, you can visit our website’s blog section. You can also let us know your views by commenting in the box.

Prachi Tiwari

Think of the foremost theoretical thought you can, totally incommunicable by words. Prachi excels at putting the complexities of the thought into words. A Content Writer by profession, she is currently pursuing a degree in Economics and English literature from the University of Delhi.She has worked as Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Associate in reputed firms for a short time.She has also been part of NGOs and volunteered for the education of unprivileged children and tribal girls.She is a literature lover and loves to read poetries. When not working hard at work, she enjoys Singing, Painting, and Dancing.

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