
Gandhi Jayanti Celebration Ideas for Preschool: Virtual and Face to Face Activities

Every year 2nd October is celebrated as Gandhi Jayanti. On this day in 1869, one of the most significant leaders who took India towards freedom was born. Mr Mohandas Karamchandra Gandhi is known for his policy of non-violence or Satyagrah. On this day, you can have the Gandhi Jayanti celebration in preschool.

Through this article, you will learn some Gandhi Jayanti celebration ideas for preschool.

Gandhi Jayanti Celebration in Preschool

Here are some of the ways you can have a Gandhi Jayanti celebration in preschool. Although most of these activities are for preschoolers, some of them will also work for kids.

1. A Celebration with Theme Non-Violence

Gandhi Ji came to India after successfully fighting the Apartheid system in South Africa. There he fought with the policy of non-violence. So, he applied the same technique to fight for India’s independence against British rule.

His policy of non-violence was appreciated by the entire world. He thought that wars can be fought without swords and with the power of truth. So on his birthday you can carry forward his legacy and organize a cultural event with the theme of nonviolence. In that event, you can invite a chief guest and play dramas based on the life experiences of Gandhi Ji.

Through this activity, kids will also understand the importance and power of nonviolence. It is vital because nowadays kids get tempers even when there is a slight intervention in their life or they do not get what they demand.

2. Enjoy a Patriotic Movie

Nothing feels more motivating than watching a patriotic movie on independence day, republic day, or Gandhi Jayanti. These movies develop a sense of patriotism in kids. They will also get a lot of information that their history book might fail to teach them.

Watching patriotic movies also offers another benefit, that is images are longer-lasting than texts. So, if kids watch a movie on Dandi March, they will remember it for ages that is not possible with texts. You can either choose a movie based on Gandhi’s life. Try to find a cartoon movie so that kids can easily understand it.

In the case of online classes, you can share your screen and kids can enjoy the movie.

3. A Tree Plantation Drive

Instead of only educating kids about the principles of Gandhi Ji, why not celebrate the day by following his path. Gandhi Ji has done a lot for the nation. He was always ready to contribute to the environment.

So, his birthday is probably the best day to carry a plantation drive. It imbibes a sense of responsibility among kids. They understand the value of plants and learn to respect mother nature.

For this, arrange every material required for growing a plant, such as pots, sprinklers, mud, seeds, etc. With these materials, teachers can teach kids how to grow different plants in their homes. Make sure the pots are small so that kids can easily hold and move with them.

In the case of online classes, you can also ask kids to send a video of the planting or doing any type of gardening chores. It is one of the most fun Gandhi Jayanti celebration ideas for preschool.

4. A Cleanliness Drive

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “So long as you do not take the broom and the bucket in your hands, you cannot make your towns and cities clean.” The statement signifies that if you wait for someone to come and clean the dirt you have spread, then you might get disappointed. If you want a clean town or city, take a bucket, broom, and clean it. Do not expect from others.

So, on this 2nd October, you can teach kids the significance of cleanliness and organize a cleanliness drive. In it, you can select an area with limited vehicles and get that area cleaned with the help of kids. You can also select a beach, a playing ground, or a school.

In the case of online classes, you can ask kids to clean any part of their house and send photographs and videos of them cleaning.

5. Organize a March

Who does not remember Dandi March? Everyone knows the significance and power of the movement that began on 12th March 1930 and ended on 6th April 1930. The march marks the beginning of the civil disobedience movement where Gandhi Ji, along with 78 volunteers, walked from Sabarmati ( in Ahmedabad) to the coastal town of Dandi. They made salt out of seawater. Thus, breaking the British monopoly on salt production.

You can organize a similar kind of march with kids wearing a Gandhi ‘topi’ and walking past a free lane with a particular quote or ‘are. This activity will teach kids about the Dandi march and they will also enjoy walking with their friends and teachers.

6. Gandhi Ji Dress-up

On Gandhi Jayanti 2021, kids can dress and act like Gandhi Ji. You can also assign each kid a theme, such as Gandhi Ji in the Dandi march, Gandhi Ji during the non-cooperation movement, Gandhi Ji during Champaran movement, Gandhi Ji in South Africa, Gandhi Ji on peace, Gandhi Ji on non-violence, or GandhiJi on cleanliness.

In the case of online classes, kids can send a video of them acting like Gandhi Ji.

So, these were some of the Gandhi Jayanti celebration ideas for preschool. However, Gandhi Jayanti 2021 is different from any other Gandhi Jayanti. This time kids are in their house taking part in every celebration virtually. So, you have to think of virtual ideas.

So, here are some ideas for the Gandhi Jayanti celebration in preschool.

Celebration Ideas for Virtual Classrooms

1. Poem on Gandhi Ji

Kids can send a video reciting a poem written on Gandhi Ji. There are various poems in both Hindi and English. Kids can pick any of them and make a video. Here is a poem was written by Anil Deshpande, a known author.

Salutation to the Father of Nation

O, thou, father of the nation,

We owe you a salutation.

For each and everything that you did;

For the cause of the nation and freedom’s seed;

For the wheel called ‘CHARKHA’, the steering of ‘SWADESHI’;

For the drive of ‘CHALE JAO’, to expel ‘VIDESHI’;4

For the teachings of truth, nonviolence and peace;

For the messages of cleanliness & patience against tease.

Guided thou, for listening not, seeing not, speaking not an evil;

Still one of us only, dared you to kill.

Gone might be you but not your thoughts;

Forever, they’ll inspire, like lustrous spots.

Therefore, O, thou, father of the nation,

We owe you salutation;

With lotuses of hearts of a hundred plus crores;

From the peak of the Himalayas to the ocean’s roars;

O, thou father of the nation,

We owe you salutation,

We owe you a salutation.

2. A Quiz on Gandhi Ji

Indian modern history is full of facts on Gandhi Ji and his life. You can make a list of 100 questions and organize a fun quiz in the class. Make sure the winning candidate gets a prize.


Gandhi Ji was a great personality with a significant role in India’s freedom. His birth date reminds Indians of the courage and sacrifice of great freedom fighters. So, on this day you should teach kids moral values. These activities will help you with it.

Janvi Khetan

For over two years, Janvi Khetan has been working in the field of blog-content writing. She had worked as a digital content writer for an established company for six months and a Business Development Manager in a reputed firm for a short time. As a blog content writer, her goals include creating content to help individuals to grow as a whole. Her field of expertise is writing on sustainable parenting. In addition to this, Janvi Khetan has earned recognition for her extraordinary commitment to the truth. She has been bringing the truth on various issues in front of the audience with facts, statistics, and candid writings.

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