Prachi Tiwari

Prachi Tiwari

Think of the foremost theoretical thought you can, totally incommunicable by words. Prachi excels at putting the complexities of the thought into words. A Content Writer by profession, she is currently pursuing a degree in Economics and English literature from the University of Delhi.She has worked as Digital Marketing and Social Media Marketing Associate in reputed firms for a short time.She has also been part of NGOs and volunteered for the education of unprivileged children and tribal girls.She is a literature lover and loves to read poetries. When not working hard at work, she enjoys Singing, Painting, and Dancing.
How do Children Develop Social Skills? Promoting Positive Social Skills Among ThemHow do Children Develop Social Skills? Promoting Positive Social Skills Among Them

How do Children Develop Social Skills? Promoting Positive Social Skills Among Them

Most people think that kids who have learning troubles battle with scholastics but numerous guardians and teachers don’t realize that…

4 years ago
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Why Yoga for Children? Is Yoga Good for Kids?

Many schools have already included it as a subject in the curriculum and students are representing our country's culture all…

4 years ago
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4 years ago
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How to Teach Addition and Subtraction to Kindergarten? Activities for 3+ Years Kids

Addition, subtraction and counting are the primitive operations kids learn from a very young age. But for kindergarten kids, it…

4 years ago
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Facts About Planet Mars for Kids: Explore The Amazing Planet Called Mars

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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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4 years ago